Bawdy Storytelling

This week, we’re featuring an episode of the All that and Mo podcast, where Bawdy’s host Dixie De La Tour and Best of Bawdy repeat offender Mollena Lee Williams-Haas hang out - with a live studio audience - and swap stories of their antics on Craigslist Casual Encounters. Did you know that both Mo and Dixie Won Best of Craigslist? It’s True! Want part 2 of this kaffee klatsch recording? Subscribe right now to All that and Mo. You can find Mo’s podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. Check them out on social media too! On Instagram @mollena_lee_williams_haas/and or on TikTok @ mollenaleewilliamshaas. Hope you enjoy!

Direct download: all_that_and_mo_bawdy_feed_drop.mp3
Category:Storytelling -- posted at: 2:36pm PST